Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween! Dudes Be safe wherever your Trick-or-Treating


Friday, October 30, 2009

New Item (Again)

Another New item! This time it's a.... Witch's Pot! Yukkk!!


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Candy! *Nom Nom*

Hey guys,
Check out what the free items was it is it is...... a Small (Not Big) bowl of Candy! Yay! My dreams come true. Hehe i have fitted my cave with alarms so you can never take my Candy!


Webo-Fest European Party!

Cause i'm in a rush i couldn't write this down in my own words *Credit to the Webosard blog*

Hey gang, we’re throwing a WeboFest party tomorrow to celebrate our European users! Join us at the Forest Floor tomorrow at 12:00 WST for some good European-style fun. Horns and ModosaurCeno will be there to rev things up and keep the party bumpin’.

Where: Forest Floor

When: Thursday, October 28th - 12:00 WST

Server: Jurassic

Our users come from all over the globe and we want to see you all!

Until then, keep bluggin’


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Items (Again)

Hey the New cave Items are Heerrreee! This time it's a...
  • Purple Curtain
  • Light Decorations.
Kool Init? My cave Is sooo Full!

-Jemster, President of Webosaurs Gangsters.

New Glitch

Hey Guys check out this glitch. I have bone armour chestplate, but when i flex it turns into wood.. weird init? we are the first blog to write this down =]

-Jemster, President of Webosaurs Gangsters.


Check out this Awesome Vid from Destructor. He invented a new game called... Umm... Webo-Ball! Wohoo! Check outhis Vid it shows you how to Play, Win Etc. Well i have nothing more to say. I foyu have any Ideas or Thoughts why not make a video?

-Jemster, Presdent of Webosaurs Gangsters

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Game of the Week/ Secret Party!

Hey Guys,
If you didn't notice the Game of the Week Is... ALL OF THEM! Yeah all of them! Totally Blugggin' So In every game you play you get some Fat Coins! (Not fat as in Fat) So get your dinos up there and play some games!

Also There is another Secret Party! How will be the Special Guest????

When: 18:00 WST - Tuesday

Where: Camposaurus Canvas Tent at the Sub Alpine Forest

Server: Creteceous

I don't think i can make it....

-Jemster, President of Webosaurs Gangsters.


Woah! Check out the Sweet Decorations, in Tonto Plateau and Gushing Geyser!Check out the New Font for the Webosaurs Event Tower! I can't wait for the Other Decorations! I wonder if the Decorations in Webosaurs Might be some of the Free Items.

Comment if you Liked the Decorations or How The Webosaurs Team can Improve it. I quite Liked the Gravestones, and the Big Bowl of Candy! Mmmmm *Nom Nom*

-Jemster, President of Webosaurs Gangsters

Monday, October 26, 2009

Spoooky Items!

I got a Load of Free Items! I bearly have enough space For it in my Cave! Mmmmm... Stretch's Cake is Herrre! The Items were..:
  • Happy Halloween Banner!!
  • Pumpkin (That Glows)
  • A Spider Web Rug
  • Stretch's B-day Cake!
Hope you like the Items..

-Jemster, President of Webosaurs Gangsters.


All the Servers Had No bars!! None of Them, and when i tried to Sign In the only screen that came up was Connecting to Jurassic. Hmm.... Weird! Comment if you had th Same Problem Too!

Pictures © Can Be taken out of Blog with Permission of Owner.

-Jemster, President of Weboaurs Gangsters.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Party Delayed!

I'm changing the day the party is to Saturday, So our American Friends can Make It! I'm Really sorry if you were Looking forward to the Party! Sorry about the Delay! It'll be on the Same Time at the Same Place just the different Day! Keep on checking your Cave for Stretch's Birthday Cake (There might be a Free Item Halloween...) Swoot!

-Jemster, President of Webosaurs Gangsters

5000 Hits!

WOOT! We have Reached 5000 Views! Kool And that was soo Fast. Keep you eyes Open for Some Contests Coming Soon... Lets Reach 10,000!

-Jemster, President of Webosaurs Gangsters

Totally Blugiin' Partay!

The Party was a real BLAST! Wow so Many Dinos! I was stuck throughout the most of the Party! At Least I got to verse Stretch at Dance Party!

Mimo Tagged Along!

Me Vs Stretch

Wow i can't wait until Horns' Birthday Party. Maybe his cake might be made of Swamp Juice *Yuuuckk* I'll keep you update on Stretch's Birthday Cake! I'll be munching on Rexxy's cake Until..

-Jemster, President of Webosaurs Gangsters.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Yo dudes and dudetts
we are currently facing some teqnical difficulties. Me and Fireice are Currently working on a new theme. So please bear with us.


Sweet Decorations!

Kool! Check out the Halloween Decorations at the Forest Floor! Totally Bluggin' and Totally Freaky!
You Never know! They Might.... I think there will be more Decorations throughout the whole of the Island! Keep on checking the Webosaurs Blog for More Info!


Party Time!

With Webo-Fest starting and Half Term, I've decided to Have a Party! Wohoo! Lets Rock This World! I'll have a word with Some of the Modosaurs and maybe they can Come too! We will be Discussing about Contests Prizes and More... So Come along Even For Fun! We will be Playing Games Non-Stop!

p.s Rumble rocks Cave is Located in Prarie Pool
Update: Mimo Might be able to Come!

-Jemster, President of Webosaurs Gangsters

Stretch's B-day!

I forgot to Mention that Stretch's Birthday Party is On October 24th On the Jurassic Server at 16:00 Wst In Tonto Plateau!

Can't wait to see you Guys there! Keep On bluggin'!

-Jemster, President of Webosaurs Gangsters

Down Under!

The "Down Under" Party Time has Been Changed to 22:00 Wst. It's just that Our Australian friends can Make It! This will be about 1 Pm or 2 Pm! The party will be "Down" at Sanoran Sands at the Jurssic Server!

Reminder: Saturday, October 24th
Time : 22:00 WST ( 4:00 Am United Kingdom)

Where: Sanoran Sands
Server: Jurassic

-Jemster, President of Webosaurs Gangsters.

New Item

New Item is Herrrrrrreeee! This time it's a.......
  • Broom Stick
  • Spider On a Web!
Wow Tottally Bluggin'! By the Time Webo-Fest Finishes My cave will be packed! Anywayz i Heard the Party Was Outta This World! Thanx Chrisdog!

=Jemster, President of Webosaurs Gangsters

Friday, October 23, 2009

3 Bars!

Wow! Jurassic Server Reached 3 Bars! i Just Noticed Mimo Was There!

-Jemster, President of Webosaurs Gangsters


I got the rexxy cake and I didn't go to the party! Weird!

New Cave Item!

Hey Just went to my Cave and saw a really awesome item! It's a Pumpkin-Bat in a cage! We are Also the First Blog to Post This Item :D Wow! I wonder.....

-Jemster, President of Webosaurs Gangsters

ChrisDog93's Party!

Wow Chrisdog From Club Penguin Cp is Having a Party Here In Webosaurs! Wow I can't Wait, But i Don't think i can make it. I wil try to Hire a Person to Take Sonme Pictures. In Addition to, ChrisDog is Giving away 2 FREE ITEMS!

Well Here and the Details:

When: Tonight - October 23rd - 17:30 WST ( 11:30 Pm United Kingdom)

Where: Forest Floor

Server: Jurassic

-Jemster, President of Webosaurs Gangsters

Comedy Night*

i Heard Comedy Night was Great! Here are the Results:

1st Place: Sludge, Arko and Starputt

2nd Place: Samuraijack

3rd Place: Snow, Iron_head, Bautibianco and Screechie

-Jemster, President of Webosaurs Gangsters

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Rexxy is Online! Head Over to The Jurassic Server In Gushing Geyser! He's Just Chillin'!
Rexxy will Be Judging at the Comedy Night!
Update: Rexxy is Now Offline!

-Jemster, President of Webosaurs Gangsters.

Connectiont Lost Screen

New Screen When your Connection is lost. kool init? I think They're Gettin ready For Beta!

-Jemster Lol, President of Webosaurs Gansgsters

Funny Pic

*Ouch* I Got bitten By Karo's Prehistoric Fish! Grr.. Im Fishing them Out!


Beta Coming to an End?

Hmm.. There is something missing.. on the Pic Above me. Its The Beta Sign! Where has it Gone?... And Look at the URL! its Not, its What if... Naa, Couldn't Be. Keep Checking the Webosaurs Blog or My Blog for More Info

-Jemster, President of Webosaurs Gangsters

Horns Horns Horns!

Horns is Bluggin With his Snarly Molten Lava Armour (Show Off!) He Even Took Down Rexxy, Thats what i Call Totally Bluggin!

-Jemster, President of Webosaurs Gangsters

Special Edition Comedy Night

Hahah! Comedy Night is Back, And This time Its is a Special Halloween Edition! So Lets Rock This World, More likt make them Laugh! I wonder If i can Make it... Hmm. I will Be Having a Party Soon so Keep checking My blog for More Info!

Where: Lizard Lounge in Webo Ridge

When: Today - Thursday, October 22nd - 17:00 WST

Server: Triassic

Cya Guys There!

-Jemster, President of Webosaurs Gangsters

Rexxy Cake!

Shame i Had To go Just Before the Party Started! But i Still Received a Rexxy B-Day Cake! All i need now is a Knife! *Nom Nom* Oh There's a Picture of the Party ( I got it from the Weboaurs Blog, Thanx)

-Jemster, President of Webosaurs Gangsters.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rexxy Made It!

Hey Guys,
Wohooo! Also the Webo-Fest Party Decorations will be arriving Tommorrow. Keep On checking the Webosaurs Blog for More info.
I even heard that Rexxy is Gonna have another Party!

-Jemster, President of Webosaurs Gangsters

New Moderator

New Mod! Check Him Out His name is Mio. He is Extremely Helpful ( Like every other mod) Gud Luk Mio =)

-Jemster, President of Webosaurs Gangsters

Rexxy Comin' To da Island!

Rexxy will be throwing his birthday party tonight at 17:00 WST at the Tonto Plateau. Meet everyone in the Cretaceous server for this rockin’ party and you’ll even get a free Rexxy birthday cake! Webo-Fest Has Started!

Time: 17:00 Wst (11:00 Pm Uk Time)
Server: Cretaceous
Where: Tonto Plataeu

-Jemster, President of Webosaurs Gangsters

Updates On Webosaurs!

There has been a Hack of a Lot Of Updates On Webosaurs Like:
  • New Caves For Members.
  • Bone Armour For Non-Members
  • New Mud Puddle in Members Cave
  • Ball that you can Move Around
  • More Coins in all the Games You Play
New Cave Layout

New Mud Puddle In Cave

Walk Out of The Mud Puddle and You can See Footprints!

Ball that You Can Move Around (Only for Members)

Bone Armour for Non-Members

Also I Would like to say a new cheat, ChipMunk Has Discovered that If You Stay In the Mud Puddle Completely Still You Will Sink Slowly and Slowly (Great Cheat Chip!)

-Jemster, President of Webosaurs Gangsters