Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Mod + Spy Camera? + "Post"

Hmmm.. Have you Ever wondered why The Camera in GG is there? Huh Huh? Do you, Do you? Well This mine and Eb [EarthBound] Thought... What if its an Actual Camera! Webosaurs Records whats going on in GG Using that Camera, They're spying on us!! So Mods can Just skip through arguements and fights and see what Happened.. :O Hmm But Eb does have an Appitite for the Camers XD

Also have you Guys Noticed we can Say "Post" w00t! Lool! but we can't say "Post it" Weird Huh?

Btw Have you seen Mod Arch? Huh Have You? Well i haven't! I hear hes totally Bluggin'! If you see him be sure to say a friendly Hello. and show him around the Island. XD

Blug Out,


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