Saturday, August 21, 2010

Webosaurs Featured on Miniclip

 Webosaurs has Now been Featured On Miniclip! So that Means there will be A whole Bunch of new Faces Joining the Island Of Webosaurs! So to Spice things Up a Bit, Webosaurs have Added  some New Homepage Backgrounds Check Dem Out! It Changes Everytime You Refresh

"Horns Chillax Dudeasaurus!"
"Hmmm, Thats My trophy Pterry"
"Woah Rexxy You gt some BIG Mouth"
"Discover What? Swamp Juice?
"Rexxy Hi To you Too"
Wow These Backgrounds are Totally Bluggin' If you wanna See Then Head over to: Webosaurs Are Gonna Be Full Of Dinos! Be Sure to Help them Get Around the Island!


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