Saturday, September 11, 2010

MVA Art Contest!

Heya Guys

There is a Message from Rex about the MVA's

So many of you have heard the rumblings…. the Webosaurs Music Video Awards (MVAs) are coming up very very soon. We don’t have any details to give out just yet, but we are making final tweaks to the new decorations!

As part of the decorations, we’d like to feature YOUR ART! We’ll be picking 10-15 pieces of fan art to display on a screen in the Island during the MVAs.

Your submissions must be:
* At least 300 pixels wide (rectangular shapes preferred or we might have to crop
* No copyright images
* Either in PNG or JPG format
* Submitted on THIS THREAD on the Webosaurs Forum as an attachment, not a link

We’d love to see some MVA related pictures, but you are free to do other things if you like. Here is a sample of what the MVA logo (besides the one above) looks like:

Picture Credit to Sludge
Hope that helps you with some ideas! Remember that you must log in to the Forum with your regular username and password. Can’t wait to see your art.


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