Friday, January 29, 2010

Shed Loads Of Events!

Also Comedy Night is at
Where: Lizard Lounge at Webo Ridge

When: Friday, January 29th  - 17:00 WST

Server: Jurassic

Hey everyone! PERcY had a great idea today. Instead of me coming up with the contests we do on the blog, why don’t you come up with one?
I know you guys have been wanting some coin codes so the prize for this contest will be a pack of 10 coin codes. How are we going to give them away? Well, that part is up to you. Submit all of your contest ideas here. I’m going to pick a few of the best and have you all vote on your favorite!
Once we have a winner we’ll get the contest going. Looking forward to your ideas!

 Im Also a Memer Now! Take a look at Me!

 Also there is a Snowball Skirmish Tournament Happening! This is how its gonna work, there will be 8 teamsn consisting on 3 team members. Each team member will have a turn to battle an apponent. If the Person is Knocked out the whole team is. This game is about Team Work!

You will be meeting with TAMMY in the Lizard Lounge at Webo Ridge at 12:00 WST (January 30th, Triassic server).

Sorry Guys i didnt post this earlier i was sort of busy. Anywayz heres the latest news, the new Iphone/Ipod Game is out! Woohooo! Check it out! It has totally new levels that aren't even on Webosaurs! Are you Gonna Buy it? Tell us what you think!


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