Thursday, January 14, 2010

Theater Night

Oh boy, who’s ready for another awesome THEATER NIGHT!? Hurry and get your groups together because we’re going to be holding it this Friday at 17:00 WST in the Lizard Lounge.

For those of you who haven’t done a Theater Night before, it’s a lot like Comedy Night except a lot more preparation goes into it. You will need to get together with a group (1 or more other people) and come up with a skit or act that you can perform for everyone on stage at the Lizard Lounge.
No need to sign up for the event, everyone with a group will be allowed to perform their skit. However, if you don’t have a group or anything prepared please wait until the next Comedy Night.

There will be a panel of judges and winning groups will win coin codes and cheesy trophies! Get your groups together now! WOOT WOOOT!


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