Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Horns wants to beat Rexxy at EVERYTHING. So much that he even beats him in the embarrassment category on the regular. Last week we discussed contest ideas but with all the Horns in a tutu pictures coming in… well, we just had to do this contest. Don’t worry, we’ll post a poll soon for a contest next week.
So anyway, here is your challenge. Submit your best picture with Horns in a tutu. We’ll select some entries and have you guys vote on them later. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will all win cheesey trophies! Your picture can be made with anything - computer, pen, paint, etc.
Just send all entries to info@webosaurs.com by Thursday with “Horns in a Tutu contest” as the subject line. Be sure to include your Webosaurs name!


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