Friday, February 26, 2010

New Landscape + New Font

The New place can also be found on teh Map. Kool eh?  Also check out the New font! Man i waited so long and here it is.
Da Mappp"
 Use the Vines to Enter: 
 1.Croc Peninsula in the tree-U
2.Bucklands Peak-P
3.Ultrasaurus Tiki Lounge-R
4.Secret temple on the floor-T
5.Rolling Hills Chamber on the wall-O
6.Jurassic Fort on the wall-T
7.Sub Alpine Forest Camposaurus Tent-E

Its Anogram Hmmm... It Soells Treetop! Well done! You can also Acess th Underground Layer by typing in this URL: Easier eh? Also im back! Ill try to post regularly.[ Credit goes to PERcY and Chipmunk]


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