Saturday, March 6, 2010

Blogosaur Badges

Hey Guys, 
The blogosaurus' badges are herrree!!! Wohhooo! I can't wait, but there is some requirements... Read the below.

Perks of being a Blogosaur:
* Have your blog featured on the blogroll
* Awesome Blogosaur badge for your player profile
* Gain access to a special testing site where you will be able to try out new features and give us feedback before they come out!

Requirements for becoming a Blogosaur:
**Blog Owners**
1) Have had your blog active for at least 1 month
2) Continue to post at least once a week
3) Link to somewhere on the main page (a widget counts)
**Blog Authors**
1) Have been posting on another player’s blog for at least 1 month
2) Continue to post at least twice a week


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