Monday, March 29, 2010

Trouble in the Treetops Reveiw and New Game!

Also I just came to tell you about the New Game Trouble in the Treetops!

"Trouble in the Treetops, is just one of the amazing game Webosaurs Have Created. In This Game you are you Dino Character Climbing up a Tree But... There are obsticles sush as Bugs logs cterpillars Etc.. They try and block you so you need timing and precision. At the End You win a HUGE amount of Money, but im not sure if its a Glitch. Also there is one thing they can improve the Graphics, I would say the Graphics is Ok, but not Brilliant. I would Guess the Trouble in the Treetops game will be located in the Understory Layer."

Also Rex has Revealed, that there will be a a new game release in Buckland's Peak. Its basically a basketball game, but everyone can join in. Im not sure how were going to play it or if there are any different Rules..  
[Credit Goes to Sludge]


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