Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mimo Party Details!

Mimo is Having PARTY! To lauch the New Zepplin' The new game Room! Kool or what? Webosaurs ia having a HUGE Update! Be sure to support them, by reporting an Bugs Glitches Etc.. Here are the Mimo Party Details!

Sunday 9th - This SUNDAY!

6:00 Pm Eastern Time
5:00 Pm Central Time
5:00 Pm Moutian Time
8:00 Pm United Kingdom Time
5:00 AM Austrailia!

Game Zeppellin! [Guide will be Released Soon]

W00t! I cant wait for it! W00t! W00t! Be there or be a Mammal. There will also be an EXCLUSIVE MIMO ITEM! Woot! Check the the CPG For more detials throughout this Week!


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