Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Partay Time!

 W00T! Items Giveaways HUGE Updates! This week is PACKED!  Come and Join Mimo, PG And a Celeb Guest! at an AWESOMMEE! PARATAAY!

Friday – Celebrity guest, time to be determined (afternoon Webosaurs time)
Saturday – Primary Games Ice Cream Party – 12:00 WST
Sunday – Mimo Party – 17:00 WST at the Sanoran Sands

As you may or may not know, we’re making some HUGE updates to the site. You can learn a lot of what they are by visiting the blogs on the blogroll, they have a lot of good information about them. I’ll be coming out with an official announcement about the updates later in the week. All these updates will happen BEFORE the parties, so come to the parties to celebrate them!
Oh, another cool thing about the weekend events. There will be a sick giveaway item for EACH party. You heard me, 3 different bluggin’ giveaway items over the weekend. It’s going to be nuts! Clear your schedules this weekend and I’ll keep you updated with more information as it becomes available.


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