Saturday, June 12, 2010

Blogosaur Contest Results!

These are the Blogs that won the Blogosaur Contest! Well done guys! You deserved it! w00t!

Every blog on our blogroll is a Blogosaur blog – meaning the owners and authors have proven their dedication and quality of posts. Each will reveal helpful information and secrets about the island, as well as upcoming events. Be sure to check them all out!
One of the oldest blogs around, Sludge’s Webosaurs Blog is a great resource for any help you need on the Island. Perhaps most famous for his Understory Layer Letter Guide, you’ll be able to easily find your way around the Island with Sludge and his author’s help. Be sure to check his contest page for when he gives out that Webosaurs one-month membership.
Percy’ Webosaurs Blog is probably the quickest updated of all the Webosaurs blog. Always searching for a new story and upcoming features, you’ll often find the most breaking news here. Percy employs a lot of authors on his blog to make sure you have the most up to date information all of the time!
Beluga is one of the oldest dinos on the Island, and is probably responsible for making Webosaurs blogging as popular as it is. Back in the day he started out with Beluga’s Webosaurs News, and recently came back with Webosaurs Insiders. High quality blogging with great resources like the Webosaurs Cheats List make this blog one to pay attention to.
Monster_man is famous for his gnarly coding skills, this dino can find any SWF file on the Island and knows almost every glitch, bug and cheat there is to know. His blog shows off his great graphics skills and even includes an awesome forum you can use. As smart as he is funny, Monster_man’s Webosaurs Blog is a great destination.
VideoGameMaster truly lives up to his name. VGM’s Webosaurs Blog is an up-and-coming power player in the Webosaurs Blogosaur scene. You can count on VGM for quality posts all of the time, and a great roster of authors who keep it updated with important things to read. While on his site, be sure to check out his growing list of Modosaur Interviews


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