Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Webosaurs Updates & Map Icon Added To Webosaurs!

Check Out all the Updates The Webosaurs Team are Realeasing! W00t! Also Check out the One with Rexxy and the Cakes. One of the Cakes has a "W", Maybe thats the Webosaurs Anniversary Cake!

The Ones with the Little Logos are badges which you can Buy for your Playercard! Cool Or what?
Check out the Item Section! Its has that Mini Helicopter Thingy. I wonder if its the new SH Item?...

 Also the New Map Icon has been added to Webosaurs! Its Kool Init! Also the New Shrink and Grow Feature has been released and Taken back off due to some Techinal Problems!

Man Im so Excied about these Updates! W00t I can't Wait! What are you waiting for, Comment on what you Think!


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