Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Egg Hunt...

 You will have to find Eggs located throughout Webosaurs complete it and you win a prize...

With each egg comes a trivia question. You must answer the question correctly in order to unlock the next egg and get a clue. Remember, when answering questions they must be spelled correctly. You may have to do a little research to get the right answer! Questions can be about anything and we’ll definitely mix things up. We’ll do dinosaurs, science, Webosaurs stuff… the point is to learn a little something while having fun!
Once you’ve completed the hunt you will win a prize. Members and Non-Members will get different prizes during the scavenger hunt.
Starting out, we’re going to do this every single day for a week through Thanksgiving with awesome Thanksgiving items for members (and a few for non-members too). The Thanksgiving scavenger hunt will end next Sunday when we have a Mimo Scavenger Hunt party!


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