Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Scavenger Hunt -Day 3

 Here are the CCheats in where to Find them...

First, you will find the egg under the clock tower in Gushing Geyser - Answer:
Black Friday

Secondly, The egg will be located in the Carnivorous Cavern- Answer: Turkey

After, The egg will be at Ole Smithy's Armory which is in Croc Peninsula- Answer: Pilgrims

Next, The egg will be at the Prarie Pool - Answer: Squanto

Later, The Egg will be at the Jurassic Fort Located in Webo Ridge- Answer: Thursday

Finally, The last egg will be at Camposaurus Canvas Tent which is located in Sub-Apline Forest- Answer:Yes

Quite a lot init? Wait until you see the Prize..... It's a Turkey!! Totally Bluggin'


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