Thursday, November 12, 2009

"Bon Voyage Flyboy"

I just wanna tell you guys something.... FLYBOY IS HAVING A PARTY! Prairie Pool in the Jurassic server tomorrow at 16:00 WST. Flyboy will be announcing where he will be heading of to in the Party..Also everyone who comes will receive a FOSSILIZED MEGALODON JAW FOSSIL to put in their caves. It's the Best ever Item they have given "so Far"... I just can't wait... There will be Some Bluggin' special and Some Artists/Developers you have never Met! So here's the List of people who are DEFINITELY coming..

Flyboy - Founder

Rex- Head of Community

JuiceKing- Art Director and Lead Artist

Colegate- Lead Developer

ModosaurTwig- Metaverse Mod Squad CEO

ModosaurSusieQ- Metaverse Mod Squad Chief Moderator

Mustafa- Webosaurs Artist

Walnut- Webosaurs Artist

Mischief- Webosaurs Artist

Hope to cya There! I think it's a little hard for United Kingdom Dinos! I will Try My very very very Best to Come.


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