Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year Dudes

Happy New Year Dino Dudes, I hope you have a Fantastic Year with lots of surprises fun and laughter. Gud Luck. Ok, Now its time for the Coin Code! So In about 5 Year ill tell ya all! Just jokin... The Moment of the Code.....:


 P.S: Look out for a Contest Coming soon [ Win a Coin Code]


Art Contest

Hey Dudes,
The art Contest Results are in! The winner of the Art Contest is...... *Drumroll*

Well Done Gloki, You totally dreserved it! A lot of Effort and thought has gone into making this Dino. These are the Abilities and Information about the Dino:

Actions: Burp, Toot and Jump-Kick
Advantages: Shoo Bug and Dance Party
Disadvantages: WoodChop
Friend: Stretch [ So Horns, Pterry and Rexxy aren't His Friend! :O]
Enemy: The Pterasaurus from Zing-a-Rock [ They keep on Pecking

Wow Kool, So when your Ready to Recieve Your Coin Code, Leave a Comment with Your Email. 
I will also be Giving out a Code Today well Tommorrow,  at Exaclty 12:00 Am Uk [ 6:00 Wst]

Update: If I'm Not able to Post it, At the Time Shown above I will try and post it in the Morning.


Webosaurs Figures

Hey Guys,

Check out this Photo I found, It shows Webosaurs FIGURES! Also, I have found out Flyboy's Real Name.[ Before Publishing This Part of Content, I need Rex's Permission if i can Publish it] Man, I wonder when Volume 2 of the Webpsaurs Comics will be coming out......



Comedy Night- Friday

Who is ready for another Comedy Night? We’re going to ring in the New Year with a very special Comedy Night Matinee this Friday at the Lizard Lounge. Special guest judge Tammy will be here with me for a night of laughter and incredible fun in 2010. Come prepared with your best jokes - each dino will get a chance to come up on the stage and deliver a knee-slapper.The special guest judges will pick the three funniest jokes to win cheesey trophies!

Since everyone is out of school and we want to include all of our European friends, we’re gonna do it a little bit earlier this time! We’ll see you Friday in the Jurassic server at 13:00 WST.


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Scavenger Hunt Cheats

Gushing Geyser- Answer: Comedy Night

Prarie Pool- Answer: Tammy

Stretch's Surf Shop In Jungle Beach - Answer: Lizard Lounge

Duster's Hangout In Dino Dunes: Answer: Dromaeosaurs

Tao Temple In Sub-Apline Forest- Answer: 2009

Well Done!... The Prize is a HNY Banner

Sorry, These updates are so Late.


Future Events + New Backgrounds For Members

Guess what Webosaurs!!! We have a new feature for our awesome members! Now, you can upload your own pictures and turn it into a background for your Player Card. It’s fun and EASY! Here’s how it works…

1. Upload your artwork to the ART tab in your profile (make sure it’s at least 400×300)
2. After it’s approved by Rex or another moderator, it will appear in your BACKGROUNDS tab
3. Select the background, and TADAAAH! You have a rockin background that YOU CREATED!

I guess you better get crackin on that rockin artwork you want everyone to see! Let’s see those new
Here’s some more details in case you have any trouble…
STEP 1: Upload click on the ART tab, and browse your desktop for your artwork

STEP 2: Select your Artwork and click UPLOAD.
REMEMBER! It will not appear in your BACKGROUNDS tab until a mod approves it!

STEP 3: Once it’s approved, you can go to your BACKGROUNDS tab and click SET BACKGROUND

 Kool Huh? But its only for MEMBERS!!!! Hmmmm.... Maybe there will be some Updates for Non-Members.

 Ok There are a Few things that will be happening.

The Next Thing Is....[ Rex Made a Spelling Mistake it says Ou]

Congratulations to the New Pros:


Yo Dudes Totally Deserved It!


Monday, December 28, 2009

WeboGames Results

Ok The Results are in... After MANY days of counting, and careful consideration th Webosaurs Team have Chosen there 3 Top Winners!Also Dinos who Partook in the Event will Recive a Medal. So without Futhur Ado here are the Winners:

1st Place: Sludge
2nd Place: Chipmunk
3rd Place: Unicornosaur


Scavenger Hunt Cheats

Gushing Geyser- Answer: Pterry's True Science

Secret Temple- Answer: South Africa

Buckland's Peak- Answer: Yes

Vesivus Shop In carnivorous Cavern- Answer: Birds

Wild Bunkasaurus Bunker in Sanoran Sands- Answer: Raptorex

Tonto Plateau- Answer: Aardonyx celestae

Dr Nanosaurus Secret Lab- Answer: Pterrance

The Prize is a...... Science Experiment Set [ Members and Non-Members] Strange all the Clues seem to Invole Pterry. {Hmmm}


Mimo Party

Hey Guys,
Just a Quick Review of the Mimo Woodchop Party, It was Totally Bluggin'  Man I wish i was there everyone played Woodchop talked about some starnge thing and the best thing of all had FUN. I wish i was there, i really do have a strange topic to talk about to Mimo.

Also My Party is being Rescheduled To Friday, Its at the same time, server, and the Place. Its Just on a Different Day

Friday 1st January ----> 2010<------
11:00 Wst  [5:00 Pm Uk]
Webo Ridge


Sunday, December 27, 2009

WeboGames Award Ceremony

Meet Rex at Lizard Lounge at 14:00 Wst  in the Jurassic Server for the Award Ceremony. Everyone who partook in WeboGames would Recieve a Medal.


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Boxing Day Scavenger Hunt

Gushing Geyser- Answer: Pliosaurs

Sanoran Sands- Answer: Britain

Art Shack Located in Soggy-Bottom Swamp- Answer: carcharodon

Sub-Apline Forest- Answer: Liopleurodon

Lizard Lounge Located in Webo Ridge- Answer: Ichthyosaurs

Tree Fort Located in Croc Peninsula- Teeth

Your Prize is a..... Megalodon Jaw


Friday, December 25, 2009

10,000 Hits Party

If you can't Read it it says:
Monday 28th Decemeber
11:00 Wst [5:00 pm uk]
Come, Chat play share jokes
and have fun. I will also be
giving out coin codes!

We've reached 10,000 Hits! Wohoooo! So... Why not have a Party?

Update: My friend SmurfBurt Reminded me that i forgot to put the place of where my party is, Its at Webo Ridge.


Mimo's WoodChop Party

This Sunday Mimo will be coming back to the island for an awesome Wood Chop party! We’re looking forward to having our good friend hang with us for a little while over the holiday season. Be sure to come on over for the fun!

When: Sunday, December 27th - 12:00 WST
 Where: Sub-Alpine Forest
 Server: Jurassic


Christmas Day Scavenger Hunt

The answer is..... Webosaurs!!! Wohhooo! You get some skis !
This is the Best!


Merry Chrstmas!

Merry Christmas

Have a great time with your family and friends and have a great week of school =]

-Jemster [ Ho ho ho.....]

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Armour Prices...

 What! The Prices For all the Armour went up! Except for Leather it's still Free, Man im lucky i got the bone armour set before this happened. Well that means more coins and that means more games! Hmm... I wonder if they done it for Webogames, Dinos are playing more games now that indicates more coins...

Gold Armour: 900 Coins 

Steel Armour: 550 Coins
Bone Armour: 400 Coins
Wood Armour: 150 Coins
Leather Armour: FREE!


Chrisdog's Party

I Heard it was a Blast! Kool? Eh?  Everyone played snowball skirmish and tried to get their names in one of the leaderboardds....... Hmmmm i wonder if Chrisdog made it to one? But that Party was great, but i couldn't make it.

I Hope you guys had fun!


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Scavenger Hunt December Day 23

Gushing Geyser- Answer:Jurassic

Tonto Plateau- Answer: 93

Croc Peninsula- Answer: Webo Ridge

Rolling Hills Chamber in Prarie Pool- Answer:Forest Floor

Lizard Lounge in Webo Ridge - Answer: 17:30

            You Get Another- CD! [Thing]


WeboGames Party- Wednesday

WeboGames Partayyy! Guess whoes Party it is? Scroll Down to Find out!

Join ChrisDog at Webo-Ridge for a Fun filled Evening playing games saying joke and just mucking about. Also this may be a chance for all you competitive dinos to get onto one of the leaderboards.

Time: 17:30 WST
Server: Jurassic
Room: Webo Ridge


Scavenger Hunt December Day 22

Gushing Geyser- Answer: Sauropod

Art Shack Located in Soggy-Bottom Swamp- Answer: 2 [1+1]

Longosaurus Long Stor Located in Sub-Apline Forest- Answer: Scrolls

That was Soooo Hard, But easy Question! It took my so loonnngg to fin the RANDOM eggs!

 Non-Members get an Ice Block [ I know all you Non-Members are getting bored of the Same Item]
Membrs get an Ice Block Horns.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Where are the Servers?

WHAT! The Other servers have disappeared, there's only 4 left! I don't know why i just feels weird... Comment on what you think, Should it stay like this or should the Servers COME BACK! Its ur choice

 I still Think Its weird...


Monday, December 21, 2009

Scavenger Hunt December Day 21

Gushing Geyser- Answer: ChrisDog

Webo Ridge- Answer: Mimo

Buckland's Peak- Answer: Treefort

Forest Floor- Answer: Jungle Beach

Wild Bunkasuaurs Bunker Located in Sanoran Sands- Answer: Tar Pit

Non-Members get a Wreath! Members get a... Science Experiment Set

 ChrisDog is havinbg another Party!!! He'll be playing ton of games and he'll be trying to get on the leaderboard.

Date: Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009

Time: 3:30 PM Pacific, 6:30 PM Eastern

Server: Jurassic


Scavenger Hunt December Day 20

Gushing geyser- Answer:Horns

Hillside Canopy-Answer: Stretch

Rumble Rocks Cave- Answer:Pterry

Jungle Beach- Answer:Wind

Voodoo Hideaway- Answer: Dino Eating Swamp Monster

Members Get a Snow Tree and Non-Members get Lights

Also I have Come Up with a New CONTEST!

This time you will have to Design your OWN Webosaur. Anything thing you want it to be, Give it a name some stats, Its weakness and all Sorts of things... You Can use ANYTHING to create you Webosaur, So get your pad and pencil or your Computer and Create ur Webosaur. I forgot to mention the PRIZE, the winner will Recieve a.. COIN CODE! Contests ends 26/12/09 [ On Boxing Day]

Email ALL your Entrys at


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Scavenger Hunt December Day 19

1. Gushing Geyser- Webogames

2. Lizard Lounge- Leaderboards

3. Bucklands Peak- Demolition Derby

4. Rolling Hills Chamber- Rexxy

5. Sanoran Sands- Geyser golf

6. Pterry’s Secret Lab- Yes
[Credit to PERcy]
Members Get a Ping-Pong Table and Non members get a Wreath

We're  lucky to have another game tour with Rexxy! This willo give you guys a chance to check out some games, Maybe you get get into one of the leaderboards for Webogames while you're at it. Meet Rexxy at the Gushing Geyser in the Jurassic server at 14:00 WST.


WeboGames Rules/Info

 *Rules and Info from Rex*

With the conclusion of the WeboGames Opening Ceremony we are about ready for the festivities to begin! WeboGames will officially begin on Saturday, December 19th. For those who don’t know, WeboGames will last just a little over a week - the trophy ceremony will be held December 28th. Here’s how it will work.

* The goal of WeboGames is to make as many leaderboards as possible. This includes every game on the island, even Quizbos and Battle Arenas.

* For every leaderboard made, the player will earn one point. On the night of December 27th, all the points will be tallied and the players with the top 3 points will earn trophies.

* Every day or two the leaderboard will be edited. Meaning if one player is running the leaderboard, all but the top score will be deleted to give other players a chance to make the board.

While only 3 players will win trophies, everyone who participates will get a special medallion at the end of the Games.

Remember - it doesn’t matter what the position on the leaderboard is, just that you’re on the leaderboard. Be careful though, someone could beat your score so give it your all

Friday, December 18, 2009

Scavenger Hunt december Day 18/ Contest Winner

Gushing Geyser- Answer: 4

Buckland's Peak- Answer: Demolition Derby

Carnivorous Cavern- Answer: Beans

Soggy-Bottom Swamp- Answer: Yes

Webo Ridge- Answer: Yes

Well done you have Recieved an... ICE BLOCK [Members get a Sybertooth Rug] Man that Item was Totally Bluggin'

 I have looked at all the Answers of the Contest, and i have decided after further consideration, to Award the 2 COIN CODES to... Raintalon! Everyone asnwered EVERY Question Right, But Raintalon's answer was more understandable and more descriptive. EVERYONE'S Answers were Bluggin'.

[Raintalon, Please leave your Email in a comment below.]

Also a Reminder WeboGames Opening Ceremony at the Lizard Lounge and Webo Ridge at 17:00 WST. Rex will share some Information and Webo-Games will OFFICALLY start tommorrow.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Scavenger Hunt Decemeber Day 17 + WeboGames + Contest Day 2

Gushing Geyser-Answer: Crocodile

Forest Floor-Answer: Dromaeosaurs

Voodoo Hideaway-Answer: Mauisaurus

Tonto Plateau- Answer: Repenomamus

Mocolodon Theater-Answer: Iridium

You Have Got..... a SNOW PILE (Again)
Members get a Snowball Cannon 2 Picture Credit to PERcy

Also Herre are Day 2 Of Questions for the Competition. [ Winner Will be Revealed Tomorrow]
Q1: What is Newton's Second Law
Q2:  Is the Atoms of a Solid Tightly Packed?
Q3: What is the Seventh Planet?
Q4: True Or False- Water has been Recently Found on the Moon?
Q5:  There is the Asteroid Belt and the ..... Belt
Q6: Lasers can Been seen more clearly when smoke is added- True Or False
Q7: Cats can Make Over 100 Vocal Nosies- True Or False

Well that's about it. I'll Choose the Winner with the Answer that explains it in the Best way.[ It's till not to late to do Both Sets today!]

This Friday is Webo-Games! Wohooo! WeboGames is a week long gaming competition that will test your skills in every game on the island. The Top 3 dinos who display their ability to compete across the board will be crowned champions at the end and win the illustrious WeboGames trophies. Don’t fret though, everyone who participates is going to receive a special WeboGames medallion!

Where: Lizard Lounge/Webo Ridge
When: Friday, December 18th - 17:00 WST
Server: Jurassic


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Scavenger Hunt December Day 16

Gushing Geyser - Answer: Rexxy and Horns

Rumble Rocks Cave Located in Prairie Pool- Answer: Golf

Click The Wheel on the Boat!

Jungle Beach- Answer: Rumble Rocks Cave

Sub- Apline Forest - Answer: Dust

Duster's Hangout Located in Dino Dunes- Answer: Sub Alpine Forest

Camposaurus Canvas Tent located in Sub- Apline Forest- Answer: Secret Temple

 You Get a.... Wreath! Kool!


Contest Questions/ WoodChop Is Back!!/ Webogames

Ok The Contest Starts NOW

Q1: What is the Difference Between Air resistance and Upthrust?
Q2: True Or False - The Moons Gravity is one sixth of the Earths
Q3: What is the Process that takes place in Plants?
Q4: True or False - Our Heart Pumps so much It can Squirt blood Up to 30 Metres
Q5:  Which is the Smallest Contenant?
Q6:  Will we ever Run out of Fossil Fuels?
Q7:  A Triceratops has the Longest Horns - True or False

Q8: [Optional] Was this Easy or Hard?

Lol These are the Questions, Hope you guys get it right and dont forget to leave it in a comment.

Also The Game WoodChop is Baaaacccckkk! Man, this is a Totally Bluggin' Present from Webosaurs. Im gonna See how its like and test it out a Little... What do you think of WoodChop, Well then Leave a Comment.

Lastly We Can Say Bones! I wonder what other words we can say now...

I forgot, Check out these WeboGames Trophies! Kool Huh? I wonder which 3 Lucky dinos will be winning them. Check the Webosaurs blog for more Info!


Pro News/December Hunt day 15

Sorry dudes, I didn't post the Egg hunt Cheats :S I had some UNfinished Work to do.

 1. Gushing Geyser– Edmarka

2. Bucklands Peak– Ole Smithy

3. Ole Smithy’s Armory In Croc Peninsula– Battle Arena

4. Forest Floor– Sauropod

5. Sanoran Sands– Dino Eating Monsters

6. Stretch’s Surf Shop In– Steam

Its a golden dino egg!

Credit To Sludge
 Also i have Been For protectosaurs. Thanx Guys and thanx Webo Team


Monday, December 14, 2009

What Have you Learnt?

Ok Dudes,
I have decided to do a Contest. This will involve your Knowlegde. I will ask you 7 Questions for 2 Days. The Person who answers it, Completely right. for Both days will Receive 2 Codes! Yup I mean in Two Coin Codes! [ Please leave your Dino Name In the comment] Leave the answers in a comment, If there is a Draw i will get a Bag and pick out The dino that comes outta the bag will get the 2 Coin Codes. Im looking forward to this Contest.

Btw, The Questions will be about Science. And will start Tommorrow!


Scavenger Hunt December Day 14

Gushing Geyser- Answer:Triceratops

Mochlodon  Theatre Located in Croc Peninsula- Answer: Catastrophists

Prairie Pool- Answer: Pleistocene

Rumble Rocks Cave Located in Prairie Pool- Answer: Troodon

Carnivorous Cavern- Answer: Middle Jurassic

Secret Temple Located in Dino Dunes- Answer: Paleogene

And you get a.... Winter Light!

Also These blogs have won The Blog Contest [ Round 2]

Webosaurs News,

Webosaurs Gangsters { My Blog!!! Yayyy! Watch Out for some WACKY Contests]

Dude's Webosaurs Hints

Tahaa's Gamespot

Last But not Leat Sludge's Webosaurs blog

Scavenger Hunt December Day 13

1.Gushing Geyser- Yes

2.Rolling Hills Chamber- Ultrasaurus Tiki Lounge

3.Sub Alpine Forest- Cactus

4.Lizard Lounge- Magma madness

5. Treefort- Wild walkersaurus bunker

6. Jurassic fort- Prairie Pool

Non-Members Get a Cool Surfboard!
Members get a Sled


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Decemeber Scavenger Hunt Day 12

Gushing Geyser- Answer: Ichthyosaur

Supersaurus Den Located in Forest Floor- Answer: Dog

Carnivorous Cavern- Answer: Mamenchisaurus

Jungle Beach- Answer: Sauropods

Dino Dunes- Answer: Megalosaurus

Tonto Plateau- Answer: Tyrannosaurus Rex

               Well Done you have Recived a Snow Globe [ Member- Swamp Juice Machine Diet]


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Comedy Night + ModosaurJura

Comedy Night Was Fun Filled, With Hilarious Jokes! Without Futher Ado, Here are the Winners:

1st place joke tellers: Hornstrkier and Tall

2nd place joke tellers: Benwolf, Mellybten and HaleyN


Also ModosaurJura Has Appeared! There's one thing thought. Jura is New, She is using this old Modosaur Account Because Hers is not Ready Yet... I wonder what her name will be.... Lol i have a few Suggestions in mind.

December Hunt Day 11

Gushing Geyser - Answer: Baja Battle Basin

Soggy-Bottom Swamp- Answer: Gold T Rex Statue

Webo Ridge- Answer: Carnivorous Cavern

Hillside Canopy- Answer: Rumble Rocks Cave

Croc Peninsula- Answer: Two

Rolling Hills Chamber Located in Praire Pool- Answer: Forest Floor

Sub- Apline Forest- Answer: foosball

Supersaurus Den- Answer: Horns

 Well done! You have Recieved a Ice Block [Members get a Ice Block Horns] Cool Huh?


Friday, December 11, 2009

Updated Map

Take a Look at the New Webosaurs Map!

There is a Key so you know where the shops are and the Arenas and Games, but the best thing is that Jungle Beach has been added to the Map! Totally' Bluggin

Also, I had a word with Mio and Rex is Rushing, trying to finish the Scavenger Hunt for today.


Winter Party with Horns!

Wow The Party was a HUGE sucess! Horns Lost in a game of Snowball Skirmish, He couldn't admit defeat.
Horns is on a Strict Diet, and from n ow on he has to drink DIET Swamp Juice.

We got a Bit cold staying outside, so we went in to warm ourselves up. Horns said that I could be the Greatest dino that ever live AFTER Horns =]


Thursday, December 10, 2009

December Scavenger Hunt day 10

Gushing Geyser- Answer: Sauropods

Jungle Beach- Answer: Megalosaurus

Stokeosaurus Town Store- Answer: Megalodon

Sub-Apline Forest- Answer: Pangaea

Buckland's Peak- Answer: Compsognathus

Voodoo Hideaway Located in Soggy Bottom Swamp-Answer: algae Poisoning

Vesivus Shop Located in Carnvorous Cavern- Answer: Hadrosaurs

You get a Happy Holidays Banner 

 The Holiday Decorations are Up! They Look totally Bluggin'! 

Also there is another chance for all you bloggers to win some coin codes for your Blog! This time they'll give the coin codes to the best FIVE Blogs.  You know the Drill leave your blog URL your Email( Not required in Coment Body) in a comment and say why you want it


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Party/Comedy Night/Horns Party/VIP Grand Opening


Winterland Party w/Horns

Thursday - December 10th - 17:00 WST - Jurassic Server
Snow, decorations and lots of holiday cheer are coming soon to Webosaurs! Horns gets particularly jolly around this time of year and wants to throw a party to celebrate! Join Horns at Webo Ridge for a fun filled holiday party in Webosaurs.

Comedy Night at the Lizard Lounge

Friday - December 11th - 17:30 WST - Jurassic Server
It’s time yet again for another hilariously awesome Comedy Night at the Lizard Lounge! Each dino will get a chance to get up on stage and tell one joke to the rest of the crowd. After all the laughs are over our guest judges will pick the three funniest and they will earn cheesy trophies! It’s not all about the winners though, Comedy Night is one of the most fun times to be had in Webosaurs. [Holiday/Winter themed jokes please]

Horns, Rexxy, Pterry and Stretch at the Bluggin’ Beach Bunker

Saturday - December 12th - 12:00 WST - Jurassic Server

One of the cool new features we released with Jungle Beach was the addition of the member’s only VIP room. Recently renamed the “Bluggin’ Beach Bunker,” we’re putting this room to full use as we host our first ever member’s only party. All four Webosaurs characters will be on hand for the Grand Opening of the Bluggin’ Beach Bunker. This party is gonna rock!


December Hunt Day 9

Gushing Geyser- Answer: Dr. Nanosaurus Secret Lab

Dr. Nanosaurus Secret Lab-Answer: Rainforest

Forest Floor-Answer: Hit the Croc

Supersaurus Den-Answer: Wookey Lanes

 Buckland’s Peak-Answer: Rolling Hills Chamber

Webo Ridge-Answer: Art Shack

You dudes get a Winter Rug! (Again) Members get something else i Think
