Thursday, December 10, 2009

December Scavenger Hunt day 10

Gushing Geyser- Answer: Sauropods

Jungle Beach- Answer: Megalosaurus

Stokeosaurus Town Store- Answer: Megalodon

Sub-Apline Forest- Answer: Pangaea

Buckland's Peak- Answer: Compsognathus

Voodoo Hideaway Located in Soggy Bottom Swamp-Answer: algae Poisoning

Vesivus Shop Located in Carnvorous Cavern- Answer: Hadrosaurs

You get a Happy Holidays Banner 

 The Holiday Decorations are Up! They Look totally Bluggin'! 

Also there is another chance for all you bloggers to win some coin codes for your Blog! This time they'll give the coin codes to the best FIVE Blogs.  You know the Drill leave your blog URL your Email( Not required in Coment Body) in a comment and say why you want it


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