Friday, December 4, 2009

Jungle Beach Lauched

Jungle Beach is heerrre, im so excited! I think of it as paradise! Man it Tottaally Rocks! Check out the Pics, Ill try to get a picture of the VIP Room, cause its members Only.

Stretch's Surf Shop
Welcome to Jungle Beach!

Man Tottally Awesome...  I also caught a glimpse of ModosaurSusieQ.. This is the really exciting bit, there is a new character called.... *Drum Roll* Thingosaurus! I just call him Thing. Check out the pics below:

Weird, but cool! I've heard that there will be a new fishing game in the VIP Room.  There was, Stretch, Rexxy,  Horns There!I'll try to get some pics, but for now you tell me how Jungle Beach is, k?

BTW: Click The steering wheel to Travel to Jungle Beach! ( The anchor is in Soggy-Bottom Swamp)


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