Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December Hunt Day 8

Gushing Geyser- Answer: Triceratops

Soggy- Bottom Swamp- Answer: Hadrosaur

Carnivorous Cavern- Answer: Tertiary

Forest Floor- Answer: Ichthyosaur

Webo Ridge- Answer: Mary Ann Mantell

Hillside Canopy- Answer: Pachycephalosaur

Tonto Plateau- Answer: Permineralization

Tree Fort located in Croc Peninsula- Ankylosaur

You win a Spilled Paint Bucket! I think Members Get a MP3 Ice

Also The New Pros Have been picked! Congratz To Nosey and Videogamemaster. Check the Webosaurs Blog, there's a new poll, where Webosaurs are actually Going to make them! Vote your best Five and the Webosaurs Team will draw how they look like and then Vote Again!


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