Monday, December 7, 2009

Scavenger Hunt Day 7

Man this was So fustrating, but got there in the end!

Gushing Geyser- Answer:  Eoraptor

Ole Smithy's Armory Located in Croc Peninsula- Answer: Hadrosaur

Hadrosaur Shop Located in Forest Floor- Answer: La Brea Tar Pits

Wild Bunkasaur's Bunker Located in Sanoran Sands- Answer: None

Forest Floor- Answer: Insects

Tree For Located in Croc Peninsula- Answer: Argentinosaurus

Carnivorus Cavern — Answer: Arthropleura

Jungle Beach- Answer: Diplodocus

When you Completed the Hunt, you get a...... Winter Rug!

Hope this helped ya Dudes.


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