Saturday, December 19, 2009

WeboGames Rules/Info

 *Rules and Info from Rex*

With the conclusion of the WeboGames Opening Ceremony we are about ready for the festivities to begin! WeboGames will officially begin on Saturday, December 19th. For those who don’t know, WeboGames will last just a little over a week - the trophy ceremony will be held December 28th. Here’s how it will work.

* The goal of WeboGames is to make as many leaderboards as possible. This includes every game on the island, even Quizbos and Battle Arenas.

* For every leaderboard made, the player will earn one point. On the night of December 27th, all the points will be tallied and the players with the top 3 points will earn trophies.

* Every day or two the leaderboard will be edited. Meaning if one player is running the leaderboard, all but the top score will be deleted to give other players a chance to make the board.

While only 3 players will win trophies, everyone who participates will get a special medallion at the end of the Games.

Remember - it doesn’t matter what the position on the leaderboard is, just that you’re on the leaderboard. Be careful though, someone could beat your score so give it your all

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